First rule 👉 NEVER use hot water! ⁠

Wet the hair completely using lukewarm running water. Comb through hair with your fingers several times and if no signs of tangling or matting occur, continue to cleanse.⁠
Put gently a small amount of shampoo. Wash your hair gently from the roots to the ends. DO NOT rub hair! 🙅‍♀️ Rubbing hair can cause the hair to tangle.⁠
When you’re done, rinse your hair thoroughly in lukewarm running water and make sure that your hair is clean before you use conditioner.⁠

👉 Always rinse the shampoo off with the water flowing in the direction of the hair fibre, i.e. from the roots to the ends. Never rinse under high-pressure water, spray or tap.⁠

After rinsing squeeze the hair – but not the cap – in a towel to remove excess water and apply conditioner (Hair Wig Balsam Conditioner can be used).⁠

👉 Your hair pieces don’t receive the natural oils from your scalp so you should condition your hair after every wash.