About Us
Berenice London was founded by Petra Johnson and her mother Dagmar in 2014. Petra’s hair loss journey began when she was 19, shortly after moving to London, when she was diagnosed with Alopecia. Whilst undergoing treatment to try and help her hair grow back, she experimented with several wigs, costing many thousands of pounds. Despite the investment, none of the wigs lasted longer than a few months.
As a woman in her late teens and early 20s, dealing with Alopecia became a life changing ordeal. Losing her hair caused her to stop socialising with friends, going on dates, and going to the gym. As doctors predicted that her hair would not grow back without steroid treatment, Petra shifted to thinking about how she could help others cope with hair loss.
She began working with hair in 2010 before launching Berenice London with her mother four years later. Now, Berenice London creates bespoke wigs for people using the highest quality hair sourced from Russia, Ukraine, South America and other countries, serving clients worldwide.
As Berenice London celebrated its 10th anniversary of helping people deal with the trauma, grief, and experience of losing their hair, Petra is now married with two children and has almost complete hair regrowth.